What to Do if Your Home Has Cracks in the Foundation

Concrete is a great building material. Changes in the ground around concrete foundations cause movement. The resulting cracks are unsightly. Ignoring them can lead to a more serious issue. Repairing the cracks is something that you can do yourself as long as they are not too big. But if you need professionals to help you with, then it’s best to check out this post about The Foundation Experts for great help!

Larger Cracks

cracksBefore you jump in, consider the size and quantity of the cracks. Having more than two or three is cause for alarm. Wider cracks that measure more than one quarter of an inch require a professional assessment. Call someone who specializes in foundation repair in OKC or someone in your local area. You may still get by with relatively minor repairs, or your situation may cost you more. Problems with structural integrity are best left to professionals, especially if the cracks are due to an earthquake. For this you will need to contact a Seismic Retrofitting Services company to get the help you need for this they will use water well drilling.

Patching Cracks

Use a concrete patching compound that includes latex as the liquid part of the mix. read more on how to fix the crack in your foundation. Latex is desirable because it is flexible. The next time the foundation shifts, you still have a crack-free wall.

wirebrush drywalltrough

You need a wire brush, disposable trowel set of varying sizes, drop cloth, spray bottle with tap water, and a drywall trough. Protect furniture and flooring by covering it with the drop cloth. Use a wire brush to remove dirt and loose pieces of concrete. The patch will adhere properly if applied to a solid surface. Mix the patching compound in the drywall trough. Spray the crack with water. Use the small disposable trowel to fill the crack. Your drywall trough has a metal edge that allows for scraping excess patch material into the trough. Use the next size up to add another serving of the patching compound. Scrape the excess into the trough and smooth it out. Repeat the process until the patched area is smooth and even with the rest of the wall.

Brick Walls


Some older homes have brick foundations. When the mortar cracks or is missing, the work requires different tools, and more precision. For this operation trade your disposable flat trowels for a pointing trowel. Instead of a drywall trough you need a mortar hawk, something which you can find at Concrete Hero. The mortar hawk is a flat, handheld platform that holds mortar or patching compound similar to an artist’s pallet.


The process is the same except that now you place your patching compound on the mortar hawk. Hold it against the wall; it should be parallel to the floor. Use the pointing trowel to push the compound into the crack between the bricks. Apply with care keeping the brick face clean.

Keep an eye on your patch work. The earth around your home and the foundation walls will continue to shift. Using latex helps the patch to flex with the movement, so that cracks remain closed.

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