One person can make a difference–history has proven that again and again. But even more impactful than the efforts of a single person, are the united accomplishments of an entire community. Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to protecting the environment, and no one system or program is more effective at lending Mother Nature a hand than the use of home automation. Here are three ways that a properly automated home can help you create a real, working green community.
1. By reducing energy consumption
In the United States, about 39% of all consumed energy is used to produce electricity. Most of that electricity is generated through the burning of materials that release hazardous greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as fossil fuels and coal. Unfortunately for your community, that means unless you’re living in one one of the few areas in the country that gets its power from a hydroelectric plant or wind turbine farms, every kilowatt hour that you use is doing long-term damage to the environment. Electricity, after all, is not a clean energy source. Solar power, however, is. Many automated homes make use of extensive solar paneling to help offset–or even completely replace–the need for conventional power. Other energy saving green automation solutions include LED light bulbs that are up to 80% more efficient than conventional bulbs (and they can last up to 100 times as long), automated lighting and devices that turn themselves off when not being used, smart thermostats that can learn the habits of homeowners and adjust themselves accordingly throughout the day, and any number of other ingenious devices that all contribute to reducing energy use in the home. Additionally, home automation makes it easier to monitor and identify energy-use problem areas, so that if it comes time to cut back, you’ll know exactly where to do so.
2. By reducing water consumption
When viewed from space, it’s hard to believe that the earth could ever have a water shortage. But the truth is that freshwater–which is to say water that is fit and safe for human use and consumption–isn’t always easy to come by. In fact, the water that you get from the tap or that comes out of your shower head has to go through a lengthy treatment process before it can ever be used. That process requires substantial amounts of time, effort, and perhaps most importantly, energy. And with the United States using approximately 345 billion gallons of water every day, that amounts to an environmental impact on a global scale. Help your community conserve its precious water, by using home automation to keep track of and reduce water used in sprinkler systems and indoor plumbing. Automated low-flow shower heads and toilets can cut back home water use by 50-70%, thus making sure that more water is used, and less is carelessly wasted.
3. By increasing awareness
Everybody knows that home automation is useful, but many have yet to realize that it’s also environmentally friendly. Increase awareness in your community by automating your home, and by sharing your experience with your neighbors and friends. Modern home automation is efficient, eco-friendly, and more affordable than it has ever been. Let your community experience the joy and peace of mind that comes with home auto automation, and together you can make a major difference in the fight for a greener tomorrow.
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License: Royalty Free or iStock source: Image credit: alphaspirit / 123RF Stock Photo
License: Royalty Free or iStock source: Image credit: ivelinradkov / 123RF Stock Photo
About Author: Lindsey Patterson is a freelance writer who specializes in technology and the latest social trends, specifically involving social media.