Vote for the winner of our Anne Taintor caption competition

Vote-for-the-winner-Anne-Taintor We want your help to pick your favourite Retro Renovation themed remark from among our finalists. Mega thanks to everyone else who submitted a caption — now cast your vote for the victor below!

Retro Renovation Anne Taintor Caption Contest1. Jane’s Retro Renovation predicament…possibly the graphic should increase, but her feet were killing her.

Retro Renovation Anne Taintor Caption Contest2. Merely believe, Hon… today’s half ass Do-It-Yourself occupation is tomorrow’s Retro Renovation.

Retro Renovation Anne Taintor Caption Contest3. Some call it-house sitting, but we call it Retro Renovation practice!

Retro Renovation Anne Taintor Caption Contest4. Honey? Retro Renovation was right…

Retro Renovation Anne Taintor Caption Contest5. Honey, only believe! In 60 years your title will be cursed by Retro Renovation people to hell for picture over that background.

The winner will receive an unique gift pack in the wonderful team at Anne Taintor… and we’ll add another prize TBD.

It is possible to vote once — for one victor — voting is open through Tuesday evening:

The post Vote for the winner of our Anne Taintor caption competition seemed first on Retro Renovation.


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